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T9 SF Item Profile Example (17feb2011)

t9sf_profile4_stats.jpg t9sf_profile_9_stats.jpg
DPS+Haste+MA buffed &
BC on Dirge
Extra MA buffed &
DPS+Haste+MA Buffed &
BC not on Dirge
-2% Critical Chance
-.5 Critical Bonus
+2% Potency
+3 Ability Modifier
+6 Multi Attack
+5% Flurry
+175 Health
+2% Critical Chance
+.5 Critical Bonus
-2% Potency
-3 Ability Modifier
-6% Multi Attack
-5% Flurry
-175 Health

Composed of Instance Fabled gear, Tier2 raid gear, Tier3 raid gear preceding Underfoot Depth wing2.

Players must be Item Aware to take advantage of any attribute surplus to beneficially improve Critical Bonus, Potency, Agility, and Ability Modifier. I hope these examples provide enough explanation on how to be Item Aware and the importance of situational gear.

BC on Dirge DPS+Haste+MA buffed &
BC on Dirge
No Enchanter &
BC on Dirge
BC not on Dirge
102% Critical Chance
110.6% Critical Bonus
61.9% Potency
1095 Ability Modifier
100% Multi Attack
5% Flurry
1775 Agility
18907 Health
In comparison to BC on Dirge gear
-2% Critical Chance
+3% Potency
-9% Multi Attack
+5% Flurry
+431 Health
Minus: Slayer's Conviction
-1% Critical Chance
-3% Potency
-125 Ability Modifier
+5% Flurry
+631 Health
+Manaweave III
+1.2% Critical Bonus
-2.8% Potency
+146 Ability Modifier
-1% Multi Attack
-5% Flurry
-7 Agility
+581 Health
BC on a Predator

Slayer's Conviction is a DPS and Attack Speed attribute 30 second buff, triggered 2.3 times per minute by any combat or spell hit.

Manaweave III increases 276 power instantly and 276 power every 4 seconds for a duration of 16 seconds. Trigger is "on a hit". This in-combat power regeneration provies enough power for a Dirge, with 5 recurrent abilities active, to withstand approximately 15 minutes of constant combat without aid from any additional power regeneration.

BC not on Dirge Multi Attack (MA) buffed &
BC not on Dirge
DPS+Haste+MA Buffed &
BC not on Dirge
Extra MA buffed &
DPS+Haste+MA Buffed &
BC not on Dirge
102.4% Critical Chance
111.8% Critical Bonus
59.1% Potency
949 Ability Modifier
99% Multi Attack
1768 Agility
19488 Health
No Flurry
In comparison to BC not on Dirge gear
-3% Critical Chance
+.3% Critical Bonus
+.8% Potency
+143 Ability Modifier
+19 Agility
+101 Health
-1% Critical Chance
+3% Potency
-3 Ability Modifier
-9% Mulit Attack
-75 Health
-.7% Critical Bonus
+3.8% Potency
+140 Ability Modifier
-14% Multi Attack
+34 Agility
+25 Health

The above screenshots presents how I have setup a macro library to aid in the organization of item profiles.

These above hyperlink's provide item ability descriptions.

Dirge Buffs Used
8Ability Casting Speed, Allegro (Rank10)
32Ability Recovery Speed, Allegro
7.5Critical Chance, Don't Kill the Messenger
40.3DPS attribute, Riana's Relentless Tune VII (Master)
117.9Agility, Harl's Rousing Tune VIII (Master)
212.5Agility, Death's Door VII (Master)
15Multi-Attack, Fortissimo (Rank10)
15Multi Attack, Battle Cry (optional)
13Critical Bonus, Dexterous Sonata

Dexterous Sonata set bonus buffed by equipping the bonus, cast the buff, switch out the item with the bonus, and set bonus buff remains. However, the bonus will not be shown in the maintained and spell effects window. This is a bug that I believe will be fixed in Destiny of Velious expansion.

BC on me


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DPS+Haste buffed & BC

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No Enchanter & BC

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BC not on me

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Multi Attack (MA) buffed, No BC

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DPS+Haste+MA Buffed, noBC

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Extra MA buffed & DPS+Haste+MA Buffed, noBC

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