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Help with Equipment

Choose items made for scouts so that there will not be a deficit in Agility. More agility equates to higher Rhythmoic Overture records.

Blue Attribute Priority from Highest to Lowest
Critical Chance > Double Attack > Critical Bonus > Agility > (Potency or Ability Modifier) > Casting Speed

(Potency or Ability Modifier) = Depends on the volume of Potency and Ability Modifier. Also, for example 300 ability modifier will output more damage than .5 critical bonus.

Dirge's epic buff proc, Intrepid Strike, is active from anywhere 30~50 seconds out of every minute. Intrepid Strike ensures maximum melee damage is inflicted. Intrepid Strike does not activate a Critical Hit.

Critical Bonus is only used in the damage equation if a hit goes critical. If your Critical Chance is 96%, then your autoattacks will utilize the Critical Bonus pool only 96% of the time and your non-melee attacks will likely only utilize the Critical Bonus 91~95% of the time. This is assuming the enemy has zero critical avoidance.

Potency will increase ability damage input to Rhythmic Overture and will increase particular character class damage buffs.

If you can not self buff your casting speed to 40% with adornments, then do not use casting speed adornments. Generally, when you are under 40% casting speed, you will mainly only be able to cast, without outside buffs, 1 or 2 abilities between each 2.4s autoattack delay. 2.4s is the fastest autoattack delay for dual-wielding 4s scout weapons.

Only use 4s weapons. Dirge epic buff requires you to use 4s scout weapons since the top-end of the weapons damage will be hit most of the time.

You do not need anymore than, including Cacophony of Blades and haste item procs, 139 self buffed Haste attribute. At 139 self buffed Haste, your dual-wielding 4s weapon will be 2.5s. 2.4s is the fastest autoattack delay for dual-wielding 4s scout weapons.

Apply haste adornments if you need more self buffed haste attribute

Items with the blue "Haste" item focus effect do not stack with another "Haste" item focus effect; only the higher value focus effect is utilized. However, the blue attribute "attack speed" do stack with each other.

Critical Bonus for Potency at a 1:2.5 rate is a good trade, that is 1 crit bonus for 2.5 potency. A rate of 1.5cb:2.5pot is a bad trade. To verify for your self, take ACT's non-melee outgoing damage and subtract item damage procs; subtract Victorious Concerto damage as well since this can no longer be affected by potency nor critical bonus. This gives total damage that is affected by potency. Then, take this damage plus ACT's melee outgoing to determine the volume of damage affected by critical bonus. From here on, do the multiplication to determine the proper ratio.

When reading the ACT program parse, the outgoing damage (all), melee outgoing, and nonmelee outgoing are the sections to read if you are wanting to look at the pie chart for damage allocations to understand your character's damage output.

All outgoing (ref) includes threat, detaunts, heals, cures, resurrections, and much more so do not look at the all outgoing (ref) pie chart if you want to look at just damage.

DPS attribute is like Critical Bonus except DPS only buffs autoattack damage and it is calculated earlier in the damage equation. Since it is calculated earlier in the damage equation, after agility, it will allow your damage output after Critical Bonus to be slightly more, however, just slightly. 114 DPS attribute equates to 100% damage boost to autoattack. 200 DPS attribute equates to 125% damage boost to autoattack. So, after 114 DPS attribute, you get a ~1% damage boost for every 3~5 DPS attribute points. Due to all the buffs to DPS attribute from other character classes, you only need to be self buffed 90~110 DPS attribute, inluding Riania's song and dps attribute item procs.

Ability Mod is on most of the good scout gear so do not need to be concerned of this. Since warriors and rogues buff ability modifier, only need roughly self-buffed 800~1200 Ability Modifier; at 1200 and beyond, only a couple abilities take advantage of this much ability modifier due to the ability modifier cap. Adornments do well at buffing any lacking Ability Modifier.

For content excluding Destiny of Velious lands and onward, I try to maintain:
95~100% Double Attack
100~103% Critical Chance
40% Casting Speed (don't worry about casting speed if ya can't be self buffed 40%)
90~110 DPS attribute (self buffed with Riana's song and equipped dps attribute item procs)
139 Haste attribute (self buffed with equipped haste attribute item procs and Cacophony of Blades)

Use temporary enchantments, potions, and adornments to self buff higher in order to maintain the desired attributes above.

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